spTrademark Guidelines

spPlanned Parrothood





Lanham Act


Cornell Law School

Updated TM Law by Bitlaw


The trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names and logos ("Trademarks") displayed on the PLANNED PARROTHOOD® Website are either pending, registered, or unregistered Trademarks of PLANNED PARROTHOOD® or their respective owners. You may NOT use Trademarks without express written authorization of PLANNED PARROTHOOD® or respective owners. If you have any questions with respect to these copyright and trademark notices, please contact us at parrot@plannedparrothood.com with the word TRADEMARK (in caps) in the subject line.

Our Trademarks, styles, logos and slogans are among PLANNED PARROTHOOD's most valuable assets. The Trademarks have been in use in international commerce since 1981. The PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark is registered with the USPTO.

PLANNED PARROTHOOD continues to serve avicultural interests online and in the avicultural community globally. Proper use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD trademarks by following these trademark usage guidelines protects the value of our Trademarks. Following are the guidelines for the proper use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD when authorized by written permission to use them. Trademarks by publishers, other third parties, and any use of or reference to PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks that is inconsistent with these guidelines, or other unauthorized use of or reference to PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks or marks that are confusingly similar to PLANNED PARROTHOOD trademarks, is prohibited and may violate PLANNED PARROTHOOD's trademark rights.

Link Use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark

  • Requests to link to our website must be in writing. Most requests are appreciated and favorably granted. Send your request to parrot@plannedparrothood.com with the words TRADEMARKED LINK in caps in the subject line.
  • You may use our logos for a link to our website (http://www.plannedparrothood.com). The logos or stylizations must not be altered in any way. PLANNED PARROTHOOD will provide a size suitable for your needs.

Fair Use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark

  • You may make fair use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD word marks to make true factual statements about PLANNED PARROTHOOD. You cannot use PLANNED PARROTHOOD logos or stylizations of PLANNED PARROTHOOD words or other PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks unless you have explicit written permission to do so. You should not in any way state or imply that PLANNED PARROTHOOD produces, endorses, or supports your company, products, or services unless you have explicit written permission to do so.
  • When making fair use of a PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark, you should acknowledge that PLANNED PARROTHOOD owns the trademark and include the link to the website with it (http://www.plannedparrothood.com). The following language is appropriate: "The PLANNED PARROTHOOD logo and PLANNED PARROTHOOD or PARROTHOOD name are trademarks of PLANNED PARROTHOOD in the United States or other countries."

Proper Use of PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks

  • Do Not Use a PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark in the Plural or Possessive Form, and Never Hyphenate or abbreviate.
  • Identify PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks appropriately as a registered trademark (using the "registration" symbol - ®).
  • Distinguish PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks From Surrounding Words.
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word or capitalize the entire trademark, underline, italicize, place the mark in quotes, or use a different font for the mark. The words PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD should always be written in all caps.

Use of Trademarks in Titles.

You may reference PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD on the cover and title of a publication provided you comply with the guidelines herein and the following specifications:

  • Your name and/or logo should appear more prominently than the PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD mark on all printed materials related to the publication.
  • You should include a disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement by PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD on the publication and on all related printed materials: Correct: "(Title) is an independent (publication) and is not affiliated with, authorized by, sponsored by, or otherwise approved by PLANNED PARROTHOOD."
  • You may use a PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark as the leading word in the title of a single book, but only if you have written permission and licensing to do so from PLANNED PARROTHOOD.
  • You may not use a PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark or any other words or logo(s) in a manner that suggests PLANNED PARROTHOOD affiliation, sponsorship or certification of the publication.

Prohibited Use:

  • Do not make reference to PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks in a manner that is false or misleading.
  • Do not combine or use a PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark with your company's product or service name or any other term unless you have written permission to do so. Use of PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks in that sort of way would NOT be a fair use.
  • Do not use PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD logos unless you have explicit written permission to do so. Also, do not incorporate a PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademark into your company's logos or designs.
  • Do not use PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks as your domain names or as parts of your domain names.
  • Do not use PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks as meta tags for your web pages.
  • Do not use PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks in a manner that would disparage PLANNED PARROTHOOD, its products, or services (e.g., untruthful advertising, false/misleading promotional materials, etc.).
  • Do not create your own logos to represent PLANNED PARROTHOOD products or services.
  • Do not use a PLANNED PARROTHOOD logo on the cover of a book or magazine without a license.
  • Do not use a PLANNED PARROTHOOD logo on posters, brochures, signs, websites, or other materials to promote a book about PLANNED PARROTHOOD products or services.
  • Do not alter a PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD word mark or logo in any way.

To obtain permission for proposed use of the Trademarks:

  • To obtain permission for proposed use of the PARROTHOOD or PLANNED PARROTHOOD Trademarks, contact: PLANNED PARROTHOOD at parrot@plannedparrothood.com and enter in caps in the subject line: PP TRADEMARK.

All content on this page and throughout this website is copyrighted © 1996-2011 by PLANNED PARROTHOOD® and may not be reproduced in any way
without express written permission. (Click here for copyright legalities as they apply.)