Join the irc chat rooms for some enjoyable parrot banter. Talk with hookbill and softbill aficionados around the world at any time of the day or night. Click on the mIRC Now! icon below to download software to join in the fun. Can't find anyone in the chatrooms? Create your own by typing /join #(name the room), for instance: /join #breeders or /join #finches, etc. America OnLine residents, get instructions from tech support for installing mIRC. They will immediately e-mail you detailed instructions. UNDERNET CHANNELS UNDERNET SERVERS These are a few of the UNDERNET servers. For a more comprehensive
and DALNET ANOTHER NET CHANNELS ANOTHER NET SERVERS TALK CITY CHANNEL COBRANET CHANNEL AMERICA ON LINE CHANNELS ports 6660-6669 IRCLE - For MacOs PIRCH - Another nice chat program. Chat schedule: AFRICAN GREYS - For African Grey parrot owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, click on link for an email message. Leave subject blank. Enter SUBSCRIBE CAGTAG-L firstname lastname in the text area AMAZONS-L - For Amazon parrot owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE AMAZONS-L. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE AMAZONS-L. AVIAN LIST -A place to send questions regarding avian health issues where you may remain anonymous doing so. Subscription info: AVIAN NUTRITION LIST -A place to send questions regarding avian health issues where you may remain anonymous doing so. Subscription info: BIRD 911 LOST AND FOUND LIST - Report and review lost, stolen, found birds: e-mail report. BIRD BREEDER'S 1 LIST - Subscription info: BROTOGERIS LIST - A friendly forum for the discussion of all aspects of breeding or owning Brotogeris (Grey Cheeks, Canary Wings, White Wings, etc.). Sharing breeding, nutrition, handfeeding tips; or just discussing the antics of the fun little clowns. Subscription info: BROWNHEADED PARROT LIST - Subscription info: CAGTAG-L - For Congo and Timneh African Grey owners. Subscription info: CAIQUE LIST - For Caique owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to Insert the following subscribe command in the body of the message: subscribe caique. To unsubscribe, enter the following command in the body of the message: unsubscribe caique CANARY LIST - For Canary owners. Subscription info: COCKATOO LIST - For Cockatoo owners. Subscription info: CONURE'S LIST, ORIGINAL - Great list for conure owners. Some experienced breeders aboard too. Subscription info: CONURE'S LIST - Great list for conure owners. Some experienced breeders aboard too. Subscription info: EKKIE CHAT LIST - For Eclectus owners. Subscription info: EXOTIC-L - For bird lovers in general. An all species list. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE EXOTIC-L yourfirstname yourlastname. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: SIGNOFF EXOTIC-L yourfirstname yourlastname. FINCH-L - For finch owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: Subscribe finch-lovers-request. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: Unsubscribe finch-lovers-request. JARDINE - For Jardine owners. Subscription info: JARDINE-L - For Jardine owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE JARDINE your_e-mail_address. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: SIGNOFF JARDINE. LOVEBIRD LIST - For Lovebird owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE lovebirds. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE lovebirds. MACAWS LIST - For Macaw owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE macaws. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE macaws. PIONUS LIST - For Pionus owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE PIONUS-PARROTS yourfirstname. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE PIONUS-PARROTS yourfirstname. QUAKER LIST - For Quaker (Monk) Parakeet owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE quaker-parakeets yourfirstname yourlastname. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE quaker-parakeets yourfirstname yourlastname. POICEPHALUS - For Poicephalus owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE POICEPH your_e-mail_address. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: SIGNOFF POICEPH your_e-mail_address. RARS LIST - Yet another very informative list with many experienced breeders on board. Subscription info: SENEGAL LIST - For Senegal owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE SENEGAL your_email_address. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: SIGNOFF SENEGAL. SOFTBILLED BIRDS LIST - For owners toucans and other softbills. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to SPECIAL PARROTS LIST - For owners of parrots with handicaps and special needs. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE Special-Parrots yourfirstname yourlastname. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: SIGNOFF Special-Parrots yourfirstname yourlastname . TIEL-L - For Cockatiel owners. Subscription info: To subcribe, send e-mail to n the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE TIEL-L yourfirstname yourlastname. To unsubscribe: In the body of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE TIEL-L yourfirstname yourlastname. ![]() ![]() |